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What you learned from the peer commentary process.

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For this project, I gave feedback on three of my fellow peer’s pitches. These included, one discussing recent pop culture on an Instagram account and podcast; another, creating food and lifestyle videos on TikTok for the busy yet healthy university student; and the last was, creating photo media.

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In order to provide valuable feedback on these digital artefacts, I looked to a series of questions and prompts provided by the tutors of this subject to ensure my feedback statements were effective, useful, and constructive to the receiver.  Through commenting on the work of fellow students, I was able to achieve a new perspective and learning towards my digital artefact. Arguably, the biggest new outlook I gained was being able to view my own pitch through a markers eyes. To further explain, I was able to utilise the questions and prompts I was using to guide my feedback of other students, and apply it to my own project. This allowed me to reflect on the work I had produced and determine as to whether it was a project of value. Not only this but I was able to examine what I had written from an analytical perspective which helped me to edit and observe my own work to further improve the final outcome. Further to this, through completing my peer comments I was able to examine the subject through the eyes of our class tutor which gave me a new appreciation for the content and value of its learning material. In providing feedback to others, I believe I did well in producing deep analysis of their work, examining both the strengths and weakness’ of their pitch posts and overall digital artefacts to provide new insights and ideas from a fresh set of eyes. To improve my feedback in the future I would like to congratulate and praise others more on what they achieved well rather than just offering one or two sentences for commendment. After completing this task, I believe I need to re-examine and evaluate my pitch and digital artefact, utilising both the feedback I received from others and the prompts which were given to help us evaluate our work. Specifically, I feel I need to go into further detail about my ideas and flesh them out more in the explanation I provide for my audiences. For example, my methodology practices could be cultivated further and discussed in a more specific tone, I need to reflect on the ethical issues of my digital artefact and state and explain them to my audience in presenting my overall project; and my field map needs further evaluation in both broadening and including the smaller, explicit details of my niche. In addition to these, I also need to try to explore my niche deeper to gauge a better understanding of what my ultimate goals are in attempting to complete this ethnographic study.  As a result, producing feedback for other classmates has been extremely beneficial in further refining and improving my digital artefact and pitch, by allowing me to challenge my old perspectives with new ones and bring newer insights to the table through the evaluation of others work.

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