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Cyberpunk is a relevantly new idea created in the 1960s and further developed in the 70s; the concept itself offers a futuristic perspective on life as we know it which is dependent on and filled with technology. It is described as being both a genre and a culture as it outlines the possibility of a potential dystopian future in a detailed and immersive way. As a sub-genre of science fiction, cyberpunk has many layers which vary from powerful corporations and private security forces to an underground world of drugs, illegal trade and activity, and violence; whilst also containing its own set of politics, corruption, nepotism, and social disruption.


Within the realm of cyberpunk, several recurring themes are present in the user experience. This includes ‘high tech, low life’ which is arguably the most central and present basis of this genre. Cyberpunk features intensely complicated and innovative components including artificial intelligence, cybernetics and cybersecurity, as normal aspects of everyday life. However, ironically, the people existing in the cyberpunk realm have a significantly low quality of life and society is in rapid decay due to the negative impacts of technology. Therefore, the term ‘high tech, low life’ was coined.  


Multiculturalism is another recurring idea within Cyberpunk as it is well known that the idea for this world has been significantly derived and influenced by ways of Eastern countries, specifically Japan.  ‘William Gibson, the pioneer of the genre, has gone further to famously state that “modern Japan simply was cyberpunk”’ (Salao, 2022). However, Japanese influence is not the only authority over the genre, and it is common to see both Western and Eastern architecture side by side as well as signs in other languages and individuals of varying races present. It is said that this ‘mixing of cultures has very interesting outcomes’ (Salao, 2022).


Another trope of Cyberpunk is the idea of megacorporation’s. These can be defined as a monopoly of businesses that dominate several societies or areas. In the case of cyberpunk, these act as outright government bodies over the community that hold themselves above the law, have their own police force and mandate a large portion of territory. It is common within this genre that these megacorporation’s are also the leaders of the underworld, harbouring illegal activity and dangerous goods within society.


Further to this, advertising saturates the cyberpunk world and is one of the most common motifs of the genre. Within the realm, it is found on every shred of space and real estate, and companies push their products and services onto you whether you enjoy it or not. It is also part of why cyberpunk cities are traditionally flooded with neon lights, definitely a visual trope of this particular universe. This only emphasises that everything you do within this society is recorded, analysed, and monitored to be used to create more advertisements; becoming more aggressive and constant as corporations try to persuade you to buy things you have no need for.


The presence of crime, cynicism, fatalism, and moral ambiguity is an overwhelming theme of cyberpunk. These ideas are in constant flow in the dystopian environment cyberpunk creates and are only further emphasised by the nature of majority of the cyberpunk protagonists to be anti-heroes. These characters are not outwardly evil; however, they do not go out of their way to come to the aid of others but do have a moral compass and conscience that the audience becomes aware of in some situations.


Human enhancements are becoming an increasingly common idea of cyberpunk for the purposes of both cosmetic augmentation and combat improvements. This is happening constantly and at a rapid rate, ultimately posing the question, “where do we as a society draw the line between humanity and technology” (Salao, 2022). Another idea of cyberpunk is the constant presence of rain. Its presence is known by making everything wet and dreary whether through a simple drizzle or constant downpour. This helps to convey the grim environment and negative emotions present within the cyberpunk world. It acts as a ‘symbol of the cities collective depression’ (Salao, 2022), a nod to the similar, ‘high tech, low life’ motif.


Finally, in this dystopian world the next major trope is the knowledge that information is currency. The people in this society live in a very technologically monitored cyberspace and therefore records exist of their personal information. Gaining or being given access to this information, makes a person trying to survive in this world, extremely powerful. This data is used as a means of control and this idea bears great resemblance to George Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four.’


Cyberpunk and all its tropes are a warning against a possible damaging societal future. This being a cold and empty community taken over by technological development. Through taking the time to further investigate this genre of Science Fiction I have come to further understand and appreciate the different aspects of this community and value its immersive nature as I peel back its layers. I shared this thought further on my twitter to express my newfound perspective and in doing so, I also uncovered several more tropes that we can explore as audience members of this unfamiliar world.

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Salao, C., 2022. 8 Cyberpunk Tropes that Embody the Genre - TCK Publishing. [online] TCK Publishing. Available at: <> [Accessed 29 August 2022].


Neon Dystopia. 2022. What is Cyberpunk? – Neon Dystopia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 August 2022].

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