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Here we are. The end of a chapter, where the satisfaction of watching an idea come to life through process, is tangible. This last stop of reflection on our digital artefacts before the final report is an integral and deserving recognition of our efforts and is important when understanding what we have achieved. Previously, we have discussed the process of our DAs through the module 1 topics, the 'ideating stage'. Now, we move forward onto module 2 'prototyping' where we saw our ideas and planning come to life and serve an actionable social utility for the community. 


The first step of the prototyping module is phase one: prototyping your project. This is where we make tangible models of the problem solutions we identified in the ideating stage. This section of the process was highly dictated by user feedback as we were required to curate it for purposeful use to our audience. This point in time was really a turning point for my project 'For the Girls and the Gays: The Wasted Edition." 

This was where I put my ideas into software and generated the cards used for the game pack. In addition to this, I also created a game spinner to accompany my game and designed a final logo to be presented as a staple to my project. This stage was easiest in the sense that I had already completed my planning and knew what I wanted to create, all I had to do was  design what I wanted, however, the process still wasn't easy. 


This was the testing stage. Here, I relied on user feedback a lot and the information I received was crucial in perfecting my game towards user wants and needs. I surveyed my friends and family by showing them an online operational prototype and asking them what needed to be fixed and what they would change if given the opportunity. From here, my game expanded from 60 cards to 70, as I added more wild cards in an effort to include more 'minigames' as per requested while also ensuring the game had a longer duration yet was still fun to play entirely. Further to this, my initial game card categories were single words: Love, Money, Bad Behaviour and Wild cards. However, after feedback from my users, it become known that curating these words into phrases would look better on the design of the cards and elevate the presence of the game. Therefore, the 4 categories were changed to: Love and Heartbreak, One for the Money, My Bad Behaviour, and Wilds Cards. Although, it being only a very small change made a big difference. This is evident in the photo of the cards above. 

Breaking and Remaking

During my process, I combined the last two stages of my project. I struggled with these steps as my product was a finalised tangible good rather than a social media initiative I could rebrand. However, after days of reflection and talking to others and welcoming any suggestions. I decided to look into making the game set available for purchase as a pdf on the internet. This takes a different approach to my idea, as it would be a cheaper alternative than purchasing a manufactured copy of my design, but rather require you to print out and cut out each component of the game. This means I would have to redesign the aspect of the game spinner as consumers wouldn't be able to make it spin at home off a printer. Considering this is an interesting and different approach to my DA I'm considering it for a range of advantages including, low-cost price for both me and the purchasing customer, ease of use, instant access and simplified user experience. 

My digital artefact has undergone a lengthy and extensive process and I cannot wait to view the final product as I keep accepting user feedback and developing my ideas. 

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